Need emergency assistance while your executives traveling in Istanbul?
Are you planning a trip to Istanbul or other major cities of Turkey, but worrying about travel security ? This is quite normal when we think about terrorist attacks, disasters or crisis.
We provide secure corporate travel services to corporations, governments, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations. They also consults with us about travel security/warnings in Turkey, terror attacks, natural disasters and other crisis situations.
Now, we can set emergency action and evacuation planning for your CEOs, executives or employees who plan to visit our Istanbul or other major cities of Turkey. Our office always has available security personnel to advise travelers in Turkey.
What we offer as secure corporate travel services in Istanbul?
We can offer many services for you or your organization as safe travel in Turkey. Emergency action/evacuation, travel security in Istanbul and major cities in Turkey, executive protection, armored car hire in Istanbul, chauffeur service, interpreter, air and sea ambulance, event protection, meeting scheduling, emergency assistance, travel planning, fast moving to consulates or airports during any crisis in Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir.
If you are faced with a security emergency, crisis, natural disaster, terrorist attack, government-ordered evacuation, or civil unrest while traveling in Istanbul or all Turkey, our teams of drivers and escorts will get you to safety and bring you a safe place( It can be the airport, consulate, hospital or residence etc )
For further detailed information regarding Turkey and travel contact our office 24/7 from +90 533 962 74 33 or [email protected]